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Fraud and identity theft crimes are on the rise. In the recent past, hackers have made headlines by breaking into major retailer systems and in some cases, stealing customer data. Hackers have also targeted banks, lending institutions, and investing firms. Even federal government computers have been hacked, compromising the data of millions of current and former government employees.
Essentially, if you don’t watch your data, your bank accounts, and your credit card accounts closely, you could be a potential victim of fraud and not even know it. Hopefully, it will never happen to you, but if you suspect you’re a victim of fraud, here’s a list of five action items you can take to recover as quickly as possible.
Ultimately, having your identity stolen and your financial information compromised is a scary situation, one that could take many months and a lot of energy to resolve. But if you find yourself facing the possibility of fraud or identity theft, there are steps you can take to stay secure.
* Equifax (800) 685-1111, Experian (888) 397-3742, and TransUnion (800) 916-8800
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