About UFCU

Board of Directors & Senior Leadership

Board of Directors

  • Cale McDowell, JD, Chairman
  • Laura Kilcrease, Vice Chairman
  • Molly Beth Malcolm, EdD, Secretary
  • Leslie Blanke, PhD, Treasurer
  • Linus Akanoh, Jr, CIA, CISA, CRMA, CGMS
  • Michael Harris, PhD, CPA, CITP
  • Kathryn Hoyt, MBA
  • Jason Kelley, MBA
  • John Martin
  • Thomas Miranda
  • David Niesel, PhD

Directors Emeritus

  • Carl Hansen, PhD
  • Cynthia Leach

Supervisory Committee

  • Brady Cole, RADM USN SC (Ret), Chairman
  • Christine Plonsky, Secretary
  • Steven Darnell, CPA, MBA
  • Dena Jansen, CPA
  • Ellen Wood, CPA

Principal Officers

  • Michael Crowl, CPA, CEO & President
  • Michael Clifford, EVP Business Transformation
  • Tom Moore, EVP Strategic Growth
  • Rhonda Pavlicek, CPA, Chief Financial Officer
  • Chris Turnley, EVP Member Experience

  • Esther Edevold, VP Insights & Innovation
  • Bernardo Meza, Chief Marketing Officer
  • John Orton, CPA, VP Enterprise Risk Management
  • Christy Soukhamneut, Chief Lending Officer
  • Dave Wagner, Chief Information Officer
  • Kenyon Warren, Chief Retail Officer

  • Joe Gonzalez, AVP Consumer Lending & Lending Innovation
  • Paul Koller, AVP Finance
  • Janice Matthews, AVP Retail & Lending Experience
  • Mike Woods, AVP Digital Development

Volunteer at UFCU

University Federal Credit Union’s board of directors, committees and task forces are all comprised of member volunteers. Interested in becoming one of them?

Contact the President/CEO’s office for a volunteer application:

Participate in UFCU events