Member Stories

Member Service

At UFCU, you’re a partner, not an account number. But don’t just take it from us — hear it straight from UFCU Members.
  • Authenticity and Integrity

    James H and his wife first joined UFCU when they bought their home. Since then, they have relied on UFCU for strategies to reduce their debt and simplify their lives.

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  • UFCU still has the same great customer service it had 25 years ago.

    I can't remember a time when I haven’t been satisfied with the help I've received from UFCU representatives.

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  • Dream It, Achieve It

    Several years ago, Stacie C went through a tough divorce. Her credit score was devastated, her car was repossessed, and she was in serious need of a vehicle. Stacie decided she had to get back on financial track. She went to UFCU with a lot of questions and little hope, but soon discovered that it is indeed possible to see real results in a short time.

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  • Making Everyday Finances Affordable

    Annabel M decided to open an account at UFCU because she had heard great things from her friends. When she finally visited a financial center, she confesses to being impressed by the staff’s attention to detail, the helpful advice, the friendly attitudes — and the free coffee.

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  • My Ideal Financial Institution

    Glo V has been a Member of UFCU for over a decade. Over the years, she has come to appreciate the advantages credit unions offer over traditional financial institutions, especially when it comes to loan rates. From New York to back home here in Austin, Glo relies on UFCU to go above and beyond for all her banking needs.

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  • UFCU saved me over $100,000.

    The customer service at UFCU is unbelievable, and I always make a point to attend UFCU seminars.

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  • UFCU has never let us down.

    Our financial representatives have helped us so many times over the years, and they’ve always fixed problems when they said they would.

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  • UFCU is the heart and soul of my financial trust.

    I am always so impressed with how well UFCU treats its members. I've never met a rude UFCU employee—every one of them is very respectful, polite and actually cares.

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  • I’ve never felt more comfortable and secure than I do with UFCU.

    Gloria D wasn’t altogether sure about all the ways UFCU could help her at first. Now a Member for about 18 years, she feels confident that she’s taking advantage of the credit union difference.

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  • Growing Together

    Mark P joined UFCU more than four decades ago when he was in graduate school. The prompt assistance and sincere personal attention he receives keeps him coming back year after year.

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  • UFCU was the first bank account I ever opened, and I’ve never left.

    The people at UFCU are extremely helpful, patient, and very pleasant to work with—and they gave us an amazing deal on our auto loan.

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  • Feeling Connected

    In the past, Tim chose his banks based on the convenience of the locations, but he never felt connected. Today, he banks at UFCU, and appreciates that he is an important part of something local.

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  • Genuine and Beneficial Services

    Elizabeth first came to UFCU for automobile insurance, and quickly decided to transition all of her banking services to UFCU.

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  • I count UFCU as an extension of my job benefits.

    When a financial crisis hit my business, UFCU cared and worked with me. I can tell that the culture flows from the top all the way to the bottom.

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  • UFCU is like my Cheers.

    The UFCU Westlake Village center offers the most personable banking experience of any financial institution I've ever used. There is that small-town sense of knowing and being known.

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  • It’s Personal

    Dawn became a UFCU Member when she moved here from Hawaii. She and her husband have come to rely on the personal experience that comes with banking at a local credit union.

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  • I can trust UFCU to take care of me and my finances.

    When several fraudulent charges were made to my account because of the Target data breach, I was panicking. Joseph at UFCU was so helpful, kind, and patient, and helped me file all the police reports. It’s people like him that make the world a better place.

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  • Lifelong Learning and Membership

    Robyn S joined UFCU after her grandfather, a retired entrepreneur and long-time business owner, took the time to explain the difference between credit unions and banks. As a teacher herself, Robyn appreciates the time they take at UFCU to make sure Members are educated and informed.

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  • UFCU has been a wonderful experience all the way around.

    The Wheels101 training at UFCU gave me the confidence to negotiate almost $2,000 off the price of my first new car. I had never tried to bargain for a car before, and it was the most empowering experience.

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  • Finding a Banking Home

    Joanna C chose a career in the medical industry because she always wanted to make a difference in people’s lives. When it came time find to choose a place to bank, she thought UFCU would be the perfect match for her.

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