Financial Advice

Manage Your Finances

  • 2022-CertificatesofDeposit-web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Certificates: A Low-Risk Savings Option

    Are you looking for a relatively safe, low-risk investment, but want a higher return than a standard savings account? Consider a certificate of deposit (also known as a CD), in which you invest an amount of money at a specified interest rate for a pre-determined length of time. Earned interest is deposited into the certificate account either monthly or quarterly. That interest adds up over time, allowing your savings to grow.

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  • 2022-FinancialGoalsInTheNewYearWithUFCU-_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Financial Goals In The New Year With UFCU

    Setting a goal in the new year can be just the motivation you need to get your finances in shape. Financial goals need special TLC.

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  • DontUnderestimateYourATM-250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Don’t Underestimate Your ATM

    Everyone knows ATMs are a quick and convenient way to withdraw cash. But did you know you can do more?

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    Manage Your Finances

    Transferring Funds

    Especially when finances are tight, it’s important to know just how you can transfer money quickly to friends, family, or even colleagues. Consider these six ways to transfer money should the need arise.

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    Manage Your Finances

    Budgeting for a Staycation

    Need a vacation? You don’t have to break the bank to do it. Instead, get much-needed R&R by taking a staycation. Consider these tips to keep your vacation fun and on budget.

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  • WhenWhyHowtoReplaceDebitCardThumbnail 250x250
    Be a Wise Consumer · Manage Your Finances

    When and How to Replace Your Debit Card

    Your debit card is your handy go-to whenever you need cash and a great way to make purchases. You’d hate to be without it, even for a moment. Check out these tips to handle a card that’s lost, stolen, or about to expire.

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  • 5TipsforPayingforaWedding_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Be a Wise Consumer · Manage Your Finances

    Five Tips for Paying for a Wedding

    Weddings can be an expensive undertaking. Establishing a budget, setting aside adequate funds and making smart choices can help you create a wedding day that is memorable and affordable.

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  • Make the Most of a Payraise (250x250)
    Manage Your Finances

    Make the Most of a Pay Raise

    It’s tempting to simply add a pay raise to your take-home check. But here are five smarter ways to make the most of a pay raise.

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  • PrepareBeforeaTrip_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Be a Wise Consumer · Manage Your Finances

    Planning a Trip? Take Your Credit Union with You

    Get our checklist of important tasks before you hit the road, and make it the best vacation ever.

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    Manage Your Finances · Prioritize Your Security

    How to Stop Robocalls (Know When to Say Hello)

    Unwanted phone calls plague mobile and landline users alike and put you at risk for falling for a scam. Consider these tips for spotting unwanted calls and blocking them altogether.

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  • NavigatingAfterDivorce_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Conquer Life’s Challenges · Manage Your Finances

    Navigating Finances after Divorce

    A divorce can be emotionally — and financially — difficult. These steps are important to protect your assets and manage your finances.

    *Investments offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (Member FINRA/SIPC)

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  • Chandler on KXAN
    Manage Your Finances

    Navigate Financial Stress

    Financial stress impacts everyone. It doesn’t have an income or age limit, and we all go through it at some point in our lives. Fortunately, there are strategies to help prevent and reduce financial stress.

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  • Andry on Studio512 (thumbnail)
    Manage Your Finances

    Control Spending

    No matter your current financial situation, spending your money wisely makes sense. Being intentional about your money helps you use it on things that really matter to you. Follow these simple tips to set up and stick with your budget.

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  • IsAJointAccountRightforYou_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Managing Daily Finances Together — Is a Joint Account Right for You?

    How do individual and joint bank accounts differ? Many people consider getting joint checking or savings accounts for shared expenses. Joint accounts have advantages, but there are also down sides. Learn the pros and cons of each before you decide what’s right for you.

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  • BuildYourBudgetBackupPlan_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Build Your Budget Back-Up Plan

    Any time potential financial hardships could be on the horizon, it’s good to think ahead and consider how you might approach contingency planning should you have to weather tougher storms. Consider these five steps to contingency planning for your budget.

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  • ManageMoneyonHolidays_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Avoid Holiday Delays — Manage Your Money in Every Season

    Official holidays can mean a day off for your financial institution, so be sure to add getting your banking done early to your list of holiday preparations. Get tips for managing your finances in every season.

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  • BankYourWay_MemberServices-web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Our Representatives Are Standing By — UFCU Your Way

    While you can almost always manage your finances achieve most of your banking needs remotely, sometimes you need to talk to a representative. Learn the circumstances under which a phone call is your best bet.

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  • BankYourWay_InPerson-web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Get a Little Face Time — UFCU Your Way

    There are only a few transactions that require in-person service, but we get it. Sometimes you need a little face time. Learn how to manage your finances in person with UFCU drive-thru service, ATMs, or lobby appointments.

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  • BankYourWay_AutomatedPhone-web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Dial Down Your Wait Time — UFCU Your Way

    Learn how to use UFCU automated Phone Banking to manage your everyday banking with a touch of a button, no internet or data plan needed. Phone Banking lets you take care of banking from a landline or mobile phone 24/7.

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  • BankYourWay_Online-web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    From Desk to Done — UFCU Your Way

    Whether you have a spare five minutes while working at your laptop or just a moment at your computer, Online Banking is an easy, convenient, and safe way to get your banking done, whenever your money is on your mind.

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