Financial Advice

Manage Your Finances

  • BankYourWay_Mobile-web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    On the Move — UFCU Your Way

    Learn about the convenience mobile banking provides and how you can get started. It’s quick, easy and gives you access to your money anytime, anywhere.

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    Manage Your Finances

    UFCU Your Way — Whenever Your Money Is On Your Mind

    Learn all the ways to manage your money at UFCU, including Mobile Banking, Online Banking, automated Phone Banking, drive-thru service, ATMs, lobby appointments, or talking by phone with a Member Services representative.

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    Manage Your Finances

    Mobile Banking — Fast, Convenient, and Secure

    With mobile banking, you can securely manage your money right from your smartphone or tablet with a quick tap of your finger.

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    Be a Wise Consumer · Manage Your Finances

    What COVID-19 Means for Your College Financial Aid

    COVID-19 is changing much in our lives, including planning for college expenses. Here are some ways to prepare.

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    Invest & Save · Manage Your Finances

    Four Tips for Adapting to an Empty Nest

    In these uncertain times, we have witnessed many changes in the stock market. How you react to these changes can reveal the type of investor you are, and the amount of risk you are willing to tolerate in your investments.

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    Be a Wise Consumer · Manage Your Finances

    Shared Branches: Another Credit Union Benefit

    Picture this scenario. You are traveling out of state when the car breaks down in an unfamiliar town. Worse yet, the credit card processor at the mechanic shop is on the blink and you are short on cash. If you are a UFCU Member, the shared branch network may be your lifeline to the cash you need.

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  • SkippingLoanPayments_web_thumbnail_250x250
    Manage Your Finances

    Should I Skip a Loan Payment?

    When finances are tight, and they are for a great many people these days, skipped or deferred payment plans might give you some welcome breathing room. But what really happens when you skip (or defer) payment on your loan? Here’s what you need to know.

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    Manage Your Finances

    Understanding Payday Loans and Three Better Options

    Some people consider taking out a payday loan when they need cash fast, but think twice. Payday loans are the most expensive way to borrow money, and they can trap you in a cycle of debt. Learn how they work, and get three better options.

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    Manage Your Finances

    What’s the Best Option: Cash, Debit, or Credit?

    Making a conscientious decision about when to us cash or debit versus credit should be an intentional part of your financial strategy. Here are some reasons why.

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    Manage Your Finances

    Three Tips to Conquer Irregular Expenses

    Do you struggle to come up with the cash to pay for your insurance premiums, taxes, or other periodic expenses? If so, you’re not alone. When you pay for something only once or twice a year, it’s more challenging to budget for it successfully. But a little planning can go a long way. Follow these three easy tips to make paying for periodic expenses easier.

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    Manage Your Finances

    Three Tips to Skip Living Paycheck to Paycheck

    Many workers feel their earnings barely stretch to their next paycheck, but there are ways to make your income last longer.

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    Invest & Save · Manage Your Finances

    Four Easy Ways to Save Money

    Have you mastered the skill of saving money? Consider these four tips for building up your savings.

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    Manage Your Finances

    Three Steps to Less College Debt

    Many college students take on significant debt in the form of student loans, consumer loans, or credit card debt. With a little planning and a proper budget, however, you can get through college with little debt, and possibly even some savings. Consider these steps for putting yourself on a path toward more savings, less debt, and better overall financial health.

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  • A youngster looks through a telescope to try and see his future.
    Manage Your Finances

    Three Financial Strategies for Every Grad

    It can be difficult for new college graduates to determine just how to prioritize their financial goals. Even though individual life circumstances are different for everyone, all grads would benefit from employing these three financial strategies as they embark on their journeys toward adulthood and financial independence.

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  • Five Tips for Making Your Budget Stick
    Manage Your Finances

    Five Tips for Making Your Budget Stick

    Consider these five tips financial experts rely on to stay true to their budgets, including relying on cash more often, saving money at the beginning of the month instead of the end, and trying a savings challenge.

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  • Happy woman pumping fists celebrates success under falling money
    Manage Your Finances

    Six Financial Tips to Start the Year Off Right

    Are you on track to achieve your financial goals in 2018? Here are 6 tips to help you stay on course.

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  • Young woman working on her budget.
    Manage Your Finances

    Start the New Year with a New Budget

    Think of your budget as a window through which you can better see your monthly spending. Here are three easy steps to creating a comprehensive budget.

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    Manage Your Finances

    The Benefits of Multiple Savings Accounts

    Learn four ways having multiple savings accounts can help you stay organized and can even make it easier to reach your savings goals as you’ll lessen temptation and earn more with interest.

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  • A couple works on their budget.
    Manage Your Finances

    Six Steps to Setting Up a Budget This Year

    If you’ve always wanted to know how to set up an annual budget, we’ve put together six steps to help you get there.

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  • Woman working on her finances.
    Manage Your Finances

    How to Stay on Financial Track

    Want the coming year to be a great one for making progress on your financial goals? Follow these tips to set your financial goals and stay on track.

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